Thursday 17 July 2014

American Haul: Florida Gifts

My dad has just returned from Florida where he went on holiday whilst I was in Greece (Haul to come soon - Keep an eye out). Needless to say he HAD to bring bacck goodies from America and this is what I will talk about in the post. Individual reviews will also be posted on the Bath and Body Works candles and the EOS lipbalms (which we are planning to compare to the Balmi ones which are in the UK in Boots). 

One of the first things I always ask for when some body goes to America is VOGUE America. I am a suscriber to the English VOGUE and I absolutely love it. The American version is obvioulsy quite similar but it features more American designers and celebrities and actually size wise is a bit smaller in height and page number. But anyway it just interests me to read another version of the same magazine and it's another excuse to spend most of my time reading magazines!

The second thing which was brought back (I'm still not quite sure abut these to be honest) are Minnie Mouse screen protectors. They go on like a normal screen protector however at the top and the bottom of the screen there is a Minnie Mouse design. They come in a pack of 3 and on the back it says they were $9.95. In my opinion that's quite pricey, being converted to around £6. However if you are a big fan of Minnie Mouse then these are a perfect buy for you. I think they come from a Disney sstore out there but I  am not entirely sure. I'm just not too sure about the look on my phone, I like more minimal designs.

Another suprise purchase by my dad (he knows me pretty well so usually gets me somthing I will use) are the Havaianas flip flops. I already have a pair of these flip flops and they are the comfiest things ever! I would definitely recommend investing in a pair of these. There is the more classic style or the pearl look ones like these pink ones. There are even Havaianas stoes in London in which you can choose the colour of the strap and the sole to your own choice. I believe they are about £20 over here and are available from Office however they last F O R E V E R. I promise you! Another added feature of these ones is that they are a slim version (my feet are so skinny I have real trouble finding shoes) and this style is definitely available online at Office (it maybe in store too, I don't have a store close to me for me to check). Another little tip before I move onto another one of the presents  - I know I've gone on about this footwear - is that some times these are available in TKMaxx for just over half the price of Office so if you live near a TKMaxx you need to get down there, although there is obviously not enough colour range there as Office stocks, they are still bargains!

Right, on to a brief first impression of the Bath and Body Works Candes (I will do a full review, I promise!). I have the flavour 'Gelato" and "Paris Daydream". W O W. They smell so amazing. Gelato is quite a sweet but Paris Daydream smells soooo good. It basically just smells a bit like Abercrombie and Fitch and I've also heard that Mahogany Teakwood smells like that so I will be getting someone to buy me that one too. The packagaing of these is so cute with the lids. One thing I will mention of you are bringing these back from America is that it may be better to package them in bubble wrap and clothes and then put them in your case that goes in the hold as my dad got stopped with them in his hand luggage and the security guards had to take them out and smell them to make sure they were candles!!!!!! It's just not worth having to leave them at the airport as that really would be tragic!

Laslty the Eos lipbalms (I think we can safely say that peanut M&Ms are basically the same apart from the packaging). I got the flavour mint (the blue one), strawberry (the baby pink one) and summer fruit (the red one). I really like the mint scent and the strawberry one but I don't really like sweet scents so summer fruit falvour is too much for me. These are a really good bargain though as they work out about £3 I think.

I shall be doing more hauls soon (from Greece) and probably from Glasgow where we are both going for the Commonwealth games.

Thanks for reading,

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