Wednesday 8 January 2014

Urban Decay 'Naked' Palette Dupe #2

Urban Decays 'Naked' Palette is quite possibly one of the best neutral palettes on the market and is definitely a collection essential. It comes packaged with a gorgeous chocolately velvet case, and includes 12 bronze-hued classic eye colours. Unfortunately, the price isn't as gorgeous, so that's where we come in...

The Naked Palette (£36)

Twelve beautiful shades in the Urban Decay 'Naked' Palette.

Fortunately, this time around, MUA have come to the rescue with their 'Undressed' Palette. Firstly, take the £36 Naked prize and divide it by 9, for those of you who are quick with maths - that leaves £4 - the fantastic price of the 'Undressed' Palette.

The Undressed Palette (£4)

Similar colours? YES! To say the very least!
With every single shade being an almost exact duplicate, you can't really go far wrong.

As well as the colour, the similarities don't end there. MUA's palette also has intense pigmentation (which is always great.)
As expected, the lasting power isn't as strong as the UD shadows, and there is a considerable amount of fallout, although, when it comes to travel, the MUA palette has the better packaging in comparison to the flimsy lid of the Naked Palette.

Here are some swatches of the shades...

The MUA shades are simply named Shades 1 - 12 in the
Urban Decay Palette order. For example, UD 'Virgin' would
be MUA 'Shade 1' and UD 'Darkhorse' would be MUA
'Shade 8' and so on.
I also did a look, to show you guys the comparison on my eyes and the shade similarities.

As above, the UD shadows are on my left eye (right eye in image)
and the MUA on my right eye (left side in image). I used 'Virgin' (Shade 1)
in the inner corner, 'Buck' (Shade 5) over the lid and 'Darkhorse' (Shade 8)
in the outer corner and crease.
Overall, in my opinion, if you don't have the Naked palette, then don't rush straight out, with your almost £40 to buy it, but certainly try the Undressed palette first, even if to simply see if you're a fan of the colours. If you already own the Naked palette, then of course, the Undressed is not an essential, but if you're a regular traveller, the Undressed palette may be good to look at if you don't want to carry the Naked around a lot, as the packaging is lighter are certainly more durable.

Thank you for reading,
See you again soon,

~ Lou x

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