Wednesday 29 January 2014

Maybelline 'Baby Lips' Review #1

I'm sure I don't even need to give the Baby Lips an introduction, because, quite frankly it seems as though everyone has jumped on the Baby Lips bandwagon. Before they came to the UK, I was also included in the group of people who could simply not wait to give them a try, and to put it nicely - I have a very strong opinion on this lip balm 'sensation'.

As soon as I could get hold of them, I got two Maybelline Baby Lips in the shades 'Cherry Me' and 'Peach Kiss', so I am going to break down both of the and review the complete products and my opinion. I hope you enjoy!

 Peach Kiss
                                                                                        Cherry Me >


The colours are pretty self explanatory, 'Cherry Me' is a deep pink shade, whilst 'Peach Kiss' is a lighter, peachy shade. Both shades have a pretty good pigmentation and for a lip balm, they are definitely one of the best I have tried. Although the pigment is good, the Peach colour is not a colour I would be happy to wear on a regular basis as a colour alone, this is because there is shimmer in large amounts (verging on glitter) in the colour, and it just isn't very flattering on the lips.

Below is 'Cherry Me'. Above is 'Peach Kiss'

Alike to the colours, the scents are quite obvious within the name as well, and true to their names, one smells of Cherry and the other Peach. They are both quite pleasant smells - so this is definitely a high point.
I am definitely a fan of the packaging of baby lips, the colours are vibrant and relevant to the product, as well as the sturdy packaging making them easy to travel with throughout the day, which of course, is expected of a lip balm.

So, it all sounds fine and dandy so far - as far as a product goes, Maybelline have done everything right. Correct? No. My experience with these LIP BALMS has been pretty terrible. As far as a lip balm goes, they are useless. Both of these products simply sit on top of my lips and do nothing but rest there while the oil spreads to the edges of my mouth and causes breakouts.
I was so excited for these products and love Maybelline as a brand, but I am so disappointed with them, as they do not hydrate the lips in any way, nor do they help with chapped lips - which caused a lot of problem for me in the winter when I most needed a good lip balm.
On the upper side, I have been told the non-pigmented Baby Lips are the best, particularly the 'Hydrate' product. Unfortunately at the moment I am completely put off the balms for the foreseeable future.

In regards to an alternative - sticking with Vaseline is the best option and an absolute favourite of mine. To complete the post with a final dupe, I feel as though a great option instead of the Cherry Me Baby Lips is Vaseline Rosy Lips. The shades are quite similar, and have equal pigmentation - but I can assure the Vaseline will, at very least, hydrate lips even a small amount.

I hope you enjoyed the first review and there will be many to come in the future,
Thank you for taking the time to read.

~ Lou x

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