Wednesday 1 January 2014

Introduction: New Year, New Blog

Hi guys,

It's a new year with new beginnings - and so, the beginning of a new blog.
Welcome to allheart1215!

We're here to help you - and ourselves in the process - save as much money as possible on make up, but still getting the most from the products you buy!

This is a quick introduction as to what you can expect from our blog, and a thank you ahead of time, for taking the time to read this.

- Blog posts should be posted every Wednesday and Saturday (obviously this may be fluctuated for many different reasons but is our general guideline)

- Each blog post should include a different duplicate (some posts may be slightly different if a topic is requested or seems appropriate)

- All feedback and constructive criticism is welcomed and don't be afraid to request things you would like to see.

Our first dupe post is due on Saturday 4th. I think that is about it for now. Please don't forget to ask any questions you would like answered, we hope you have all had a fantastic new year, and here is to 2014.

~ Lou x

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