Saturday 28 June 2014

Healthy Summer Picnic

Today we decided to take advantage of the brief amount of sunshine that swept the country and have a healthy picnic. We kept it basic and didn't bring too much food so that we weren't tempted to eat it all and therefore defeat the whole point eating well.

This is what we had:
1. Couscous with lemon, parsley and smoked salmon
2. Cashew Nuts
3. Strawberries
4. Yoghurt Covered Fruit Flakes
5. Naked Green Machine Juice (Apples, Bananas, Pineapple, Kiwi and Mango)

Now I wouldn't say by any means that either of us are experts about living a healthy lifestyle but on this picnic we tried to steer away from sugary snacks as this usually means that my energy levels are higher later on in the day. Also it's really helpful if you eat slower (we manage to fill the time by having a gossip) as this gives your body time to tell your brain when it has eaten enough food so you don't over eat!
Overall this picnic was a great success and didn't cost the earth. Our main new trial was the Naked Juice and this has made me want to try more of them! The taste is amazing and the packaging is really plain and simple but at the same time really appealing . One thing I will add however is that the juice is a rather unattractive colour. I know the colour is supposed to show that there is no added colourings in the drink however they do say that we eat with our eyes! On the other hand the Naked Juice could be swapped for a homemade smoothie which may work out cheaper and it would also mean that all of the fruits included can be exactly to your taste!

Thanks for reading,
Rose and Lou

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